Get Started

STEP 1: Tell us about your project.

STEP 2: Together we’ll determine the best way to communicate your message.

STEP 3: We’ll follow up with a comprehensive estimate.

STEP 4: All you need to get started is one form (the SF-1)

No Competitive bid process or statement of work required.

Typical Design Schedules

Our team will work with you to develop a schedule for your project. Time frames listed below are for general reference.

Logo: 3–5 weeks

Poster: 2–3 weeks

Brochure /booklets: 3–4 weeks

Banner displays: 3–4 weeks

Annual reports: 1–2 months

300 page book: 2–3 months

How to Submit Copy

Text should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document (.docx.)

Do not embed photographs or diagrams in the Word files. Submit those graphics separately.

Photography Guidelines

Photos should be a minimum of 4 x 6 inches at 300 dpi.

You should either own the copyright to photos you submit, or have permission to use them.

Avoid using images from the Web. The resolution will be insufficient.

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